Pest Control Adelaide, SA
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Micks Pest Control uses the latest methods to eliminate pests from your property. We are famous for the best quality pest control services in Adelaide.


Introduction: Fabric pests can wreak havoc on our favourite clothes, linens, and upholstery, causing damage that can be both frustrating and costly to repair. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of fabric pests, including types, signs of infestation, prevention methods, and effective treatment options. By understanding these nuisances, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to safeguard your wardrobe and home.

Types of Fabric Pests: Fabric pests encompass a variety of insects that feed on natural fibers found in clothing and other fabric materials. The most common fabric pests include:

  • Clothes Moths: These small moths lay their eggs on natural fibers like wool, fur, silk, and feathers. The larvae hatch and feed on these materials, causing irreparable damage.
  • Carpet Beetles: These insects feed on a wide range of fabrics, including carpets, clothing, upholstery, and curtains. They can also cause damage to natural fibers like wool and silk.

Signs of Fabric Pest Infestation: Detecting fabric pest infestations early is crucial for minimising damage. Look out for these signs:

  • Visible Damage: Small holes, chewed fabric, and irregular patterns of destruction on clothes or fabrics indicate fabric pest activity.
  • Larvae or Insects: Spotting larvae or adult insects around your clothing or fabric items is a clear indication of an infestation.

Preventing Fabric Pest Infestations: Prevention is key when it comes to fabric pests. Follow these preventive measures:

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean clothes before storing them for extended periods, as fabric pests are attracted to sweat, food stains, and body oils.
  • Proper Storage: Store clothing and fabrics in sealed, airtight containers or bags to prevent pests from accessing them. Consider using mothballs or cedar blocks as deterrents.

Effective Treatment Options: If you discover a fabric pest infestation, take prompt action with these treatment methods:

  • Freezing: Place infested items in a freezer for a few days to kill fabric pests and their eggs.
  • Heat Treatment: Use a clothes dryer or iron on high heat to eliminate fabric pests.
  • Vacuuming: Regularly vacuum carpets, upholstery, and curtains to remove fabric pests and their larvae.

Professional Pest Control: In severe infestations, it is advisable to seek assistance from professional pest control services, who have the expertise and products to eliminate fabric pests effectively.


Fabric pests can cause considerable damage to our favourite clothing and fabric items. By staying vigilant, implementing preventive measures, and promptly addressing infestations, you can protect your wardrobe and home from the destructive effects of fabric pests. Remember, early detection and timely action are key to maintaining the integrity of your fabrics and preserving their longevity. 

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Roof rats can spread diseases without even being in a room with natives. Unfortunately, the urine and feces they leave behind are also transmitters of their cruel diseases. The other way they spread the diseases they carry is by biting the community. Whether you’ve been bitten or exposed to a roof rat’s feces there are things to be attentive of such as how serious it is, what your symptoms will be, how to treat it, and if you need to go to a doctor. To protect yourself and your family, be aware of the diseases. Here is a list of the most common diseases roof rats carry:

Bubonic Plague: A skin disease that can be treated with antibiotics see a doctor right away, symptoms are red marks on the skin that turns black, heaving breathing, aching, and throwing up blood. The Bubonic plague or Black Death as it was called in the Middle Ages, wiped out a significant portion of Europe’s population.

Rat-Bite Fever: Most frequent in Asia, rat-bite fever can take up to two weeks before symptoms develop like fevers and inflammation, and penicillin is used for treatment.

Arenavirus: Transmitted through the air where feces and urine are, causes flu-like symptoms but can turn into internal bleeding. If exposed, see a doctor immediately. Hire to pest control services for  rodent control services.

Eosinophilic Meningitis: This disease is also known as rat lungworm, it can also be transmitted through eating uncooked food like fish, snails, frogs, or freshwater prawns. Another way it can be transmitted is through infected foods such as lettuce. The symptoms are headache, neck pain, and vision problems. It is treatable, but you should see a doctor right away.

Hantavirus: airborne virus, symptoms do not occur very quickly once they happen, they are similar to the flu and last about a week if still sick serious breathing can come about and you should be taken to a hospital because it can be serious.

Weil’s Disease: Transmitted through rat urine, it is often on infected food that people end up eating, shows flu-like symptoms but can also cause jaundice and throwing up. It is best to see a doctor right away.

Typhoid: Transmitted through feces and urine either in the air or from something contaminated, people will get high fevers to sweat profusely, diarrhea and rash of red spots. It can be treated with antibiotics, so see a doctor.

Trichinosis: Carried by rats, but they get it from pigs, it is a worm that can get inside of your intestines. Nausea, diarrhea, heartburn Headache and chills are some of the symptoms best to go to a doctor right away.

Murine Typhus: Can be transmitted from the lice that live on rats, this is treatable with antibiotics and the symptoms resemble those of the measles or rubella.

Hire a Rodent Pest Control Adelaide to control the infestation of these dirty rats in your home contaminating food and spreading illness in your loved ones and pets.